Wednesday, October 13, 2004

LISTENING TO: Regina Spektor
Dear Diary,
We perfomed last night. On national television. In front of millions of people. I don’t even know what to think of that. We didn’t mess up and everyone sounded all right, so that’s good. We didn’t win, but whatever. I told the guys before we performed that I would be leaving the group after that performance. I just can’t see myself doing this. Singing for millions of screaming girls.
Now acting, for millions of girls, that’s another story.
In other news, this morning I watched Pride and Prejudice-the BBC version. Mmmmm Colin Firth. Now there’s someone I wouldn’t mind learning how to thrust with.
I have first round auditions for the play History Boys next month. Now that is something I can look forward to. They say every casting director around comes to see that play.
Cross your fingers for me.


Saturday, October 9, 2004


Dear Diary,

We scrapped the costume idea, thank god. The guys were ready to give in, but I wasn’t having it. We ended up compromising on fur collared winter jackets…ugh. Sometimes I feel so outnumbered in this group.

Day 2 of our dance rehearsals.

I love the guys, but sometimes…I think I was meant for bigger things.

Oh, and I started reading “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” in between recording sessions. Good read.


Monday, October 4, 2004


Dear Diary,

Today we met with the choreographer, Miguel, to learn our moves for the Eurovision performance. It was cool and fine and all until the part where he started thrusting.


Ugh. I told my mum over the phone how it went. She said something about it being healthy and natural. I am still not convinced.

Also, it did not help that Max was perhaps a little too into helping me get the hang of it.

Our manager mentioned ‘band costumes’ last night. Matching outfits. I’m sorry, but does he remember how rubbish these ass clowns looked?

I rest my case.


Sunday, October 3, 2004


Dear Diary,

I CANNOT BELIEVE THE STUPID STUNT MAX PULLED. He said got us a “really great, exclusive gig.”

We played at a Bar Mitzvah.

Brb, crying in the shower.


Friday, October 1, 2004

LISTENING TO: I’m Too Sexy- Right Said Fred

Dear Diary,

Completely Hyrise unrelated: Today I realized that I am one pretty motherfucker. Hot damn.

I think this will work wonders for me in the future.


Friday, September 24, 2004

Mood: Analytic
Listening to: ME

Dear Diary,
Let’s go through this, line by line, shall we?
I ain't so stupid to be some other jealous guy
-just saying “I ain’t so stupid” makes you sound stupid.

I would be crazy falling for another lie
No use deceiving cos I know what you're thinking
-What were they thinking when they wrote this?
Baby what you need is someone to believe in
-And that would be a group of 4 hot ass guys from London.
And if I ever lose myself to you
-My part. A very high part that every one seems to think I can hit. I’ll try at least, but I’m going to need some very tight pants.
Like a million others want to do
-wait…A million others want to lose themselves to you? How desperate are they?
Someone wake me somebody just help me out
-Wake me up before you go go?
She gonna take me show me what it's all about
-These lyrics are lacking in the comma department.
Why can't I see when you're coming on strong
Cos you touch me it's easy I keep hangin' on
-I thought we weren’t going to lose ourselves to this girl? But with just one little touch, we’re hanging on? Talk about mixed messages.

How can it be when you're doing me wrong
When you touch me it's easy you're leading me on
Ohh / Ohh Ohh Ohh
Ohh Ohh Ohh
Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh Ohh
-That’s my favorite part.
You're so delicious every time you turn me on
You're so malicious when you want to bring it on
-Who comes up with these rhymes? That one’s actually kind of clever.

You're just an addict ain't gonna panic me
-I thought I was the addict.

And while I'm at it I'll tell you how it's gonna be
And continue.
I can see now that this song is going to get us world-wide recognition. Not for awesomeness or cleverness or deep songwriting skills. But we will be world-wide famous.
What did I get myself into?


Friday, September 17, 2004

Mood: WTF
Listening to: The Beatles

Dear Diary,
So, today I go propositioned by this guy to be a sort of boy band type thing. They tried to conceal the fact that it was a boy band by calling it a ‘musical project,’ but come on. Four guys singing and dancing. It’s a boy band. You can’t pull the wool over my eyes, buddy.
Alas, I agreed. I just have this odd feeling I’m going to regret this in the future.
The group’s name is Hyrise. I think that’s kind of an awesome name.
